
An English-language periodical devoted exclusively to the arts and letters



This November, we are pleased to offer our readers an especially rich issue of Six Seasons Review that we feel will delight you for its immense variety.
In particular, dear reader, we are sure that you will enjoy the wide-ranging collection of stories we have assembled here. From a cynical depiction of the mindscape of an embittered pump attendant in a London petrol station, to the tender evocation of intense emotions stirred by separation and unexpected union; from a magical affirmation of the power of love and imaginative writing, to the portrait of an aristocratic family falling apart in Bangladesh; from the story of a writer’s beginnings made vivid and real through “the truest of lies, fiction”, to a closely observed account of an American in Bangladesh whose “southern exposure” had transformed him; from the deft weaving of the cataclysmic events of 1971 in Bangladesh’s history with threads woven from family relationships, to a clear-eyed and sharp account of a beauty parlour in Dhaka; this issue offers you diverse worlds and amazing people captured skillfully and ingeniously from all sorts of perspectives. What is more, in the two splendidly translated tales we have collected, you will come across dramatic and gripping evocations of remarkable lives transformed into unforgettable fiction.










Sometime in 2001, Six Seasons Review was launched by Emeritus Publisher Mohiuddin Ahmed (1944 – 2021) in Dhaka to meet – as the original editorial put it – “the long-felt need for an English-language Bangladeshi-Indian sub- continental, international periodical devoted exclusively to arts and letters.” The editorial written for the occasion also specified that “the only criterion for accepting submissions from contributors [is]…quality writing – in English and in English translations – poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama, belles letters, interviews, essays on literature, and other arts.”

Bengal Publications Ltd.
Bengal Shilpalay, House 42 . Road 27 . Sheikh Kamal Sarani. Dhanmondi. Dhaka 1209 . Bangladesh